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Rebels shot down MH17 thinking it was Russian airliner: Daily Mail
FLIGHT MH17: Ukraine Officials Say Pro-Russia Group Shot Down Malaysia Airlines Plane
Report finds Russian missile used to shoot down MH17
Missile that downed MH17 'was brought in from Russia'
MH17: Three found guilty of shooting down Malaysia Airlines jet over Ukraine in 2014
Suspected Russian missile parts found at MH17 crash site: investigators 말레이 여객
MH17 Investigation: Ukrainian jet 'could not technically have shot down MH17'
Malaysia Airlines crash; talks between Kiev and rebels to set up buffer zone around crash site have
Russia denies shooting down MH17 (With English translator)
Pictures from Russia that claim to show a Ukrainian jet shooting down MH17 called "fake"
Raw: MH17 Wreckage Leaves Ukraine on Train
MH17: Fighting stops international team reaching crash site